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Pledge clean & dust 300ml




Dust is everywhere in your home. It not only makes your furniture look dull and lifeless, but it contains allergens like pet dander found in dust. Pledge® Dust & Allergen helps remove more allergens from dust mites and pet dander found in dust than dry dusting. It easily removes fingerprints and smudges, too. Its Anti-Dust™ formula keeps surfaces looking less dusty, longer. Dusting with Pledge® leaves surfaces with no waxy buildup.

Directions for use:
  1. Shake well before using. Hold container upright and spray directly onto surface from about eight inches away.
  2. Wipe immediately with soft, clean cloth.

Please Note:- Due to Pledge changing their product line/s variations in packaging may vary.

Additional information

Weight 0.6000 kg
Also referred to as

pledge, polish, furniture polish, pledge polish, clean and shine, clean & shine,


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